This is trial for changing MSX font with PC-8001 compatible fonts.
PC-8001 line PCs are produced first “Personal” computer in Japan in 1979 by NEC.It is distributed mainly in Japan but PC-8001A is sold in US.
“Mycom BASIC Magazine” was one of early PC dedicated magazine which publishes type-in style games on it. Many games for PC-8001 were published there.
These games had distinctive taste because graphics were consisted by only characters generated by PCG(Programmable Character Generator) and seemed so attractive for me (at that time).
PC-8001 runs N-Basic, which was based on Microsoft Basic. Mr. Kazuhiko Nishi introduced MS to NEC and realized MS based “N-Basic”. Do you know Mr. Nishi?
Yes, he is one of founder of ASCII corporation, which is one of core company of MSX standard. MSX BASIC is also based on Microsoft Basic as you know.
Thus games on N-BASIC can be ported to MSX-BASIC with ease, I think.
Graphical devices are different between them, but not impossible.
This file is one of preparation for porting such games to MSX.
My trial porting (SCREEN0:WIDTH80/TEXT2 MODE of VDP)
Original fonts (cited from the net)
This test purpose file are downloadable from here.