My FMPAC have not been not worked on my PV-16 well. In such a case, capacitor causes error sometimes.
I have tryed to replace capacitors on my FMPAC(Panasoft version).
Check parts
I found FMPAC electric circuit this cite and checked parts first.
FMPAC SW-M004 回路図 | 電子機器 Junker – teacup.ブログ“AutoPage”
List of electrolytic capacitors in FMPAC(Pana)
10uF16V * 4
47uF16V * 2
1uF50V * 1
1uF50V(non-polarized) * 1 1000uF6.3V * 2
C17 is non-polarized and I changed ceramic one from electrolytic.
I leaved Battery removed because I don’t use FMPAC as PAC to save data for a while.
I inserted FMPAC into KB-7(dock), not PV-16(main unit) and works well with 64k extend ram cartridge.