English patch for NRTDRV180715

There are so many issues to solve, but I make it public.

This is english patch for NRTDRV, for dual OPM(YM2151) and single SSG(YM2149)/PSG(AY-3-8910) controllable music driver.
It is originally developed for Sharp’s X1, but is ported to other JP PC’s which has OPM options, like X1/X1turbo(with OPM soundboard), X1turboZ(embedded, internal OPM/SSG), MSX(with SFG-01/05), PC88(with Sound board “HIBIKI”). Windows’ or Android’s applications emulates OPM/SSG/PSG well and you can play NRTDRV’s music data on such devices, no need to own rare JP 80’s PCs. Some hardware chiptune modules are supported, like NBVx as well.


You can use NRTDRV MML compiler (NRTC) with English messages.

MML(Music Macro Languages) was very popular in 80-90’s hobby PCs.

It is produced as IPS patch to original Japanese version of NRTDRV.EXE.

